Taking Care Of Your Carpets And Area Rugs

Taking Care Of Your Carpets And Area Rugs

Carpets and area rugs of different styles and makes are popular flooring choices among homeowners because they are comfortable, provide insulation, and also aid in minimizing the noise coming into the house, as well as from inside. That said, handmade carpets and area rugs also usually require careful and meticulous care procedures and cleaning regimen in order to prolong their life and quality. Keep in mind that there is a wide range of carpet types and styles, with each type of carpet and area rug requiring maintenance procedures.

When it comes to the very basic guidelines of carpet care, it would be best to follow the specifications as prescribed by a professional, especially if you had your carpets or area rugs installed professionally in your residence. Carpet cleaning is part of the most basic maintenance, and for most homeowners, vacuuming is the first step. Carpet experts may suggest that vacuuming the carpet be done at least once a week. Carpets or area rugs that are installed high traffic areas of the house, such as hallways, stairs, entrances, and common areas would probably require more frequent vacuuming because they accumulate more dirt over time. Maintaining regular vacuum cleaning can prolong the durability of your carpet because this keeps particles, dirt, dust, and other elements from getting stuck in those spaces between your carpet fibers.

Depending on the make and model of your vacuum cleaner, as well as the kind of carpet that you have, you should take as much time as possible in vacuuming the area rug or carpet.  Just one pass with an average upright vacuum cleaner will probably not be enough to remove the particles and dust that hide in between the fibers or other hard-to-reach sections of the area rug or carpet. Vacuum as slowly as you can, giving ample time for the suction to go through the tough dirt and dust thoroughly.

Now, one aspect that many owners of carpets and area rugs may tend to overlook or disregard is the odors that can stick to carpets and area rugs. If you notice a faint odor or scent when you move around the house, the odor you are smelling inside the home may not be coming from outside, or even from the walls or furniture; this odor could very well be coming from the carpeting or area rugs. Using baking soda and adding it to your vacuum cleaner’s bag is one way to neutralize carpet odors. Of course, the best solution would be to have a professional cleaner do it for you because they know how to do it without damaging the quality of the product.

You should always keep the specifications and instructions from the carpet manufacturer on how to maintain your carpet. These guidelines would be especially useful when there are spills and carpet spots you have to deal with. It seems that no matter how careful you and your family members are, accidents and spills still occur from time to time, so it makes sens to keep the right rug cleaning solutions and tools handy for when you need them. Remember, when a spill occurs, blot or scrap out as much of the spill or spot as possible prior to applying any cleaning solution. Rubbing would spread the problem, so be sure to just blot it out with a towel or cloth. If you  are not sure what to do, consult with an expert.

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