In between the fabric and hairs of your handmade carpet can reside various dust, mites, and other allergens which can pose health risks to your family if not removed properly. One important aspect of carpet care is carpet de-dusting, which is a method usually completed before intensive carpet handwashing.
Carpet de-dusting is different from your usual vacuum cleaning. De-dusting carpets and rugs would require specialized high-powered equipment that targets dust, mites, allergens, and other particles that may be embedded in the handmade carpet. Carpet de-dusting takes care of dislodging these particles that may be missed by carpet handwashing.
Another reason why professional carpet de-dusting is important prior to carpet handwashing the carpet or rug is because many of these particles would become muddy or sticky when exposed to water, and becomes more difficult to remove. At Pazyryk Carpet Gallery, part of our carpet and rug cleaning process includes carpet de-dusting.
Contact us today to learn more about our carpet de-dusting services. Call our store at (604) 770-1784, book an appointment through our website, or send us a message using our Contact Us form. Let our experts provide the best care for your cherished carpets and rugs.Share